Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again…where the rhododendrons and azaleas are in bloom…I am ever so haunted by this dream during this time of the year. It’s spring, time for the cherry blossoms to open up in full vigour. The eucalyptus, acacia, magnolia, jacaranda and myriads of other spring flowering trees are showing off their colors..I can see the bluebonnets dancing in the gentle wind , when I close my eyes. The Caribbean trumpet tree on the roadside are abound in intense yellow …Our childhood neighbour had one, which marked the advent of holi for us. My mind is always in a state of changing hues, and in full-blown spring during dusk hours..The world around me presents itself in so many shades during that time of the day, it’s only silly to blame my sappy mind !! I stare at the dark waters at my side of the lake and wonder at the golden magic created by the setting sun on the other side of the bank……