Yeah…read about BP doing the “ top-kill “ thing now, what a gamble !! What a mess it must be down there, I can’t even imagine..So, I decided that I’ve had enough of this oil rig thing, panicking about it and following every update and the best way to cool off was to sit in the breeze..Stared at the bands of clouds here and the sea of clouds there, the setting sun, the reflections,the chirping of the birds who don’t sing and the songs of the songbirds ..It’s funny, everyday I can hear so many different sounds but I can’t see all the birds…they r so in there hiding !! Still thinking about that tree, and seething because I’m yet to know it’s name ….Am I or am I not in a mess emotionally ? Well, I try to be calm,atleast on the outside and relaaaaaaax my mind - but who knows what the chemical factory in my body is upto !! What chemical messengers and signals are being released…..
Something about the clouds got me thinking about the cloudlessness of the Mojave desert.The sky was so crisp blue with the scarcity of the clouds adding to the unspoilt beauty..which although means less or no rain …and which of course makes it a desert zone !!
I was thinking about the animals and birds of that desert…not being able to spot any in the hot sun, it seems all so more mystifying to me..The trees are so thoughtfully curved out of the ground, they seemed like a piece of architecture to me !! And the flowers, oh man !! the flowers…Have you ever wondered why the birds,beasts and the flowers of the desert are so brilliantly colored, how the trees so lusciously curved ….In an otherwise somewhat dull environment compared to lush verdure, although desert is so attractive in it’s being so vast and wild, those colors are the ones adding upto the allure.
As hot and windy it was during the day, I wondered how crisp and lovely the evenings would be once the sun goes down…how about a picnic beneath the stars ?! And I know for sure that there will be lots of them, millions and millions of them…the sky being so clear, the nights must be ink-blue ~~~~~~